Monday, October 28, 2019

"I Think What You're Doing Is Very Cool"

This 6'11 giant NBA player, towering over my Grandma, letting her know that her continuing to have a mindset of taking care of her body & her mind through training at the gym was one of the coolest things that he had seen.

He was right.  It is cool.  In fact, we have a lot of cool peeps here at COVAL that are tough as nails and have the right frame of mind that their age is not going to be a defining factor for them.
They continue to push through.  They continue to grow.  They continue to be able to achieve and do things that they didn't think were physically possible for them anymore.
Rick, Gloria, Connie, Candy, Debbi, Bruno, Anne, Susan, David, Candace, Michael, Jack, Harvey, Don S, Sarah, Don L, Annie, and Gram; all near, at, or older than 65 years old and kicking some serious butt in the gym each and every week.
If you're trying to figure out the right time to get started with improving your health & fitness, then just think about the "Cool Kids Club" and do as they do.  Working toward a healthier you is never too late, and it's never something to save for later.

"The gains I have achieved through the help of everyone at COVAL Fitness, in both strength and mobility, have given me renewed hope as I recover from a major injury. The limited time allowed at physical therapy left me very concerned that I would never be active again. I’m now experiencing less daily pain, and back to enjoying an active lifestyle again. This is due to the high level of expertise at COVAL and their continued encouragement. Money well spent on my health and life." - Laura H.
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COVAL Fitness
Fitness Trainer Near Ann Arbor Michigan

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